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HHS Helps People with Disabilities Live in the Community

Awards Major Grants

by Homer Page

Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Tommy G. Thompson announced approximately $64 million in new grants to develop programs for people with disabilities or long term illnesses. The grants, awarded in 37 states, including Colorado, and one territory, are a key part of President Bush’s New Freedom Initiative to remove barriers to equality for the 54 million Americans living with disabilities. “These grants will allow states to make meaningful changes in the lives of persons with disabilities,” Secretary Thompson said. “They will also allow children and adults with a disability to live more independent lives with the freedom to make choices about their services.”

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will award the grant funds. The grants will help states enable people with disabilities to reside in their own homes and participate fully in community life. States receiving the awards will design and implement improvements in community long-term support systems in partnership with their disability and aging communities. These systemic changes will allow children and adults with disabilities or long term illnesses to live in the most integrated setting suited to their needs, exercise meaningful choices about their living arrangements and exercise more control over the providers of the services they receive.
Four grant programs comprise the “Systems Changes for Community Living” grants that are being released today. 

They are:

For more details about the grants, please visit the CMS Web site at:

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