Colorado Quarterly Magazine 

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Yes On 30! Protect Your Right to Vote

Amendment 30 guarantees you can exercise your constitutional right to vote. The passage of the Amendment 30 will encourage, rather than discourage, people with disabilities to exercise their basic constitutional freedom.

An outdated Colorado law now prohibits voting by many eligible citizens who want to vote, but who have moved without updating their registration addresses or do not register in time. This cumbersome law separates registration and voting and makes voting more difficult for everybody—especially people with disabilities, seniors and rural residents and others with long drive times.

Current law imposes an unwieldy cutoff that says citizens must report a change of address or register at least 29 days before an election or lose their right to vote. This law makes those who want to have their voices heard at the polls go through a burdensome two-step process—registering and voting.

The passage of Amendment 30 allows eligible voters to change their addresses or register on Election Day—a much more common sense, straightforward approach that will greatly help people with disabilities

Six states already successfully allow Election Day registration. In those states, 15 percent more people vote, without interference with the accuracy or admission of elections. In Colorado, this means at least 200,000 more eligible citizens would vote—and we would continue to have fair elections.

“Yes on 30” does more to safeguard our elections than today’s law. A voter registering on election day must show up in person, with a driver’s license or other state-issued photo ID—better protections than current law, which allows post-card registrations.

Amendment 30 is endorsed by the Colorado League of Women Voters and more than 60 other local organizations, including those working for the rights of the disabled.

No right is more precious than your right to vote. Protect it by voting yes on 30—and ensure that the election process encourages, not discourages the rights of disabled citizens to exercise their most precious freedom—the right to vote.

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