Living with Huntington's Disease
by Lorra Tamplia
One of the reasons
I was attracted to
my husband Dave was because of his gentle, loving personality. He never raised
his voice and seemed to have an infinite amount of patience. With the onset of
Huntington’s Disease, he seemed to change overnight.
Once, Dave left the room where he was watching television. My
younger son, then 12 years old, not knowing Dave had been sitting in a specific
chair, sat down to watch the program. Out of nowhere, Dave flew at my son,
cursing at him for being in the chair. Dave picked him up, threw him against the
wall, and began beating him with his cane. When I tried to intervene, he turned
on me with increased fervor until, finally, he stopped, walked outside into the
rain and stood on the street crying.
This excerpt is from Faces of Huntington’s (Essence
Publishing, 1998), a powerful book by Carmen Leal-Pock, about first-hand
experiences with Huntington’s disease (HD).
The progression phase of this destructive illness, formerly
known as Huntington’s chorea, lasts anywhere from five to 25 years—all
downhill: no effective treatments, therapies or drugs exist, even though people
with HD are often given antipsychotic drugs to subdue rages, paranoia and
obsessive compulsive tendencies, and antidepressants for severe depression.
Onset usually occurs in the late 30s to late 40s, though 10
percent of patients are under age 22 (including as young as 2), and a number of
victims are over 55. Offspring of anybody with HD run a 50 percent chance of
inheriting this disorder, which involves three DNA nucleotides: cytosine,
adenosine and guanosine (CAG).
The normal CAG sequence repeats only 12 or 14 times. In HD,
the CAG-repeat range is 38-125. This abnormality was linked to HD in 1993.
Having a biological parent with HD is almost always the only
way to get this disease. The exception is when the biological parent of an
afflicted person has a CAG-repeat sequence range greater than
normal, but not within the HD range. Case studies have shown that this type of
inheritance involves less than 1 percent of cases. There have been no studies
involving non HD-range CAG sequences repeating a little bit more with each
generation (which, theoretically, would eventually result in a generation with
Sometimes, people with the genetic marker die from unrelated
illnesses or accidents before the symptoms appear; so when their offspring
develop symptoms, it seems as though the disease surfaced from nowhere.
The HD CAG sequence is verified by a genetic test, available
to at-risk individuals once they turn 18. "Many people do not test, but are
diagnosed through symptoms and an elimination of other diseases," says
Leal-Pock. About 40,000 Americans have HD, and an additional 125,000 are
currently at risk.
People who never even heard of HD have suddenly found
themselves hurled face-first into its death grip. Your spouse may carry the
gene, and you may not even know it because his or her parent (who had the gene)
died from an unrelated condition before the symptoms arose.
And anyone further down the ancestral line showing symptoms
may have been misdiagnosed with dementia.
You may currently feel very disconnected from HD, as
Leal-Pock once had. Little had she known that the charming and intelligent man
she eventually married was predestined to deteriorate both physically and
HD affects all nationalities and socioeconomic classes. Your
adopted child may one day develop HD. Adoptive parents have experienced this
tragedy. Sometimes, when children begin showing signs of HD, they are frequently
misdiagnosed as being unruly and troubled; or as having schizophrenia, attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities or Tourette’s syndrome.
HD greedily pilfers the brain out of its reasoning and
emotional-control centers. But HD also causes rapid, shaking, jerky and rocking
movements that may seem deliberate, but are involuntary. These movements can
persist all day long, exhausting the patient.
Other associated maladies include difficulty swallowing (some
patients wither away to dangerously low weights because they can’t swallow
food, necessitating feeding tubes); seizures; slurred speech that degenerates to
muteness; suicide (among terminal illnesses in which victims kill themselves, HD
ranks second); extreme difficulty ambulating (some patients continuously fall or
stumble into furnishings); and in later stages, complete loss of motor control.
People with HD often appear drunk, due to the staggering and
stumbling, unclear speech and glazed eyes.
This bizarre array of symptoms results when the brain’s
neurons—which transmit electrical impulses that generate thoughts, reasoning,
muscle control and speech—degenerate and die. The degeneration primarily
occurs in the basal ganglia, a major regulation center for motor control.
"The enlarged CAG repeat in the HD gene causes the
protein made by this gene to be abnormal," says Henry Paulson, M.D., Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor of Neurology at the University of Iowa College of Medicine,
and a member of the steering committee for the Huntington’s Disease Society of
America’s Coalition for the Cure.
"This protein, known as huntingtin, has an enlarged run
of the amino acid glutamine, one of the building blocks of proteins. This
enlarged poly-glutamine stretch causes the protein to take on an inappropriate
shape, and form clumps of aggregated protein inside brain cells. exactly how it
(huntingtin) causes neurons to become sick and eventually die is still not
Typically, symptoms first appear as anxiety,
quick-temperedness, reduced organizational skills and mismanagement of the
household. These shortcomings are often attributed to stress.
Early on, subtle deterioration in motor coordination may also
be present, often being blamed on excess weight, aging, taking up a new sport,
soreness from exercise, or stress.
In fact, most adults with HD are misdiagnosed for as long as
five to 10 years before a doctor finally considers HD. Usually, misdiagnoses
include stress, depression, substance abuse, Tourette’s, restless leg
syndrome, alcoholism, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s.
Unlike Alzheimer’s patients, HD patients usually retain
recognition of family members. And, HD usually strikes people when they are
enjoying the busiest primes of their lives: while raising young children or
adolescents; even while planning to start a family.
Many diseases have a genetic influence, such as some types of
breast cancer. Women who test positive for the breast cancer gene, BRCA, are
told they have an "increased risk" of one day getting the illness.
With the HD gene, the issue isn’t risk; it’s WHEN.
At first, it may be a mere stumble down a curb, or difficulty
organizing a schedule. Such happens to most people. But with HD, the frequency
and severity increases, until symptoms can no longer be ignored and passed off
as stress-related. Every day, nonsymptomatic people who have the HD gene must
wonder if their lapse in memory that morning is the first sign, or if their loss
of temper at their spouse that evening signals the beginning of the end.
Deborah Baker, 46, of Albany, WI, had no idea she had HD
until her father, who had chronic alcoholism (which can easily mask HD
symptoms), was diagnosed after a back injury. Of course, one of his parents had
HD: Baker’s grandmother, who had been labeled as "unstable."
Regarding the three years prior to her father’s back
injury, Baker says, "I had trouble concentrating, sequencing tasks. I could
be driving a route I should have been able to drive in my sleep, and suddenly
discover I had no idea where I was. I would be talking with a friend and
completely lose my train of thought or be unable to grasp my next word or form
it in my mouth."
Baker adds, "All my life I’ve taken great pride in my
ability to complete many things at once. I would fly about the kitchen doing
seven things at once. Now, I often find myself standing in the middle of the
kitchen forgetting what I was doing."
Baker and her husband have not hidden this "curse"
from their kids, ages 21, 9 and 7. "Our children know I will eventually be
very ill, and it has become a fact, not a fear. They know they have a 50/50
chance of having the gene."
She has taught her kids that HD carries no shame. "We
wear tee-shirts bringing attention to HD, we buy our Christmas cards from the
Huntington’s Disease Society of America."
Baker’s children are home-schooled and active in sports.
"We live simply with gardens and pets, and God, family and friends to lean
on when the road bends again."
Louise "Lou" Wilkinson of Calgary, Alberta, Canada,
grew up without any knowledge of HD. What she did know was that her family
blamed heavy drinking on the strange behavior of her paternal grandfather and
paternal uncle.
Her father’s drinking problems could have easily masked HD
symptoms, and he had passed away at age 54.
Eventually, Wilkinson’s uncle was diagnosed with HD.
"I was very worried because I had spent the two years before this showing
symptoms which I brushed off as normal depression." The symptoms
If not on antidepressants, Lou is prone to turbulent mood
swings. "It’s called a rage attack. They come out of nowhere. Anything
would annoy me. I would scream at the kids; sometimes I gave them a spanking
using a wooden spoon, though not often. Mostly I just yelled at them and scared
them to death. I was awfully unpredictable. I would yell at my husband and say
awful things. The rages usually went away after 10 minutes."
Wilkinson, 49, no longer teaches junior high. She gets easily
confused during conversation, and gets lost in stores. "I quite often
bounce off the walls as I’m walking—it reminds me of the times us kids
laughed at our grandfather."
She volunteers for HD causes. "I surround myself with
positive people. I imagine a white cloud surrounds me and no negative energy can
get through."
When a person has the HD genetic sequence, the disease will
eventually rule, no matter how much that individual uses his or her intellect,
no matter how intensely that person engages in creative problem solving and
imagination. HD doesn’t care how important a person is to the community. It
invades ruthlessly and wins every time.
Ardie Newbold, 53, of Frederick, Md., was forced to yield to
HD, despite valiantly fighting it while teaching gifted children for five years
at North Frederick Elementary School. In her mid forties, she began experiencing
odd symptoms. "My mother suffered from migraine headaches, diabetes and
eventually had a stroke," she says. "Many of the symptoms of HD were
disguised." She died at 72; having never been diagnosed with HD. Newbold
was diagnosed at 52.
Before HD’s onset, Newbold had been a physical education
and art teacher in public schools, and at the Maryland School for the Deaf. When
her three daughters (ages 20, 22 and 24) were grade-school age, she was a
full-time mother and home-schooled them for several years.
The change was gradual. At first, remembering students’
names became increasingly difficult. Newbold would forget to show up for
school-related programs. Preparing lessons and reading to the class became too
much to handle. She had to permanently retire.
Newbold is looking forward to her youngest daughter’s
wedding, and says, "I have found I still have valuable skills I can use to
help others in my same circumstances. I am willing to meet with community
organizations, classroom groups, science classes and health professionals to
raise awareness and understanding of this degenerative brain disease."
She worries about her husband. "I know he will be tied
down caring for me later. I hope when the time comes for me to go, he will marry
again and still have someone with which to share his life."
Newbold is unable to recall names, dates and schedules.
"I write notes to remember what I need to do, then forget where I put the
list. I have notepads everywhere! I find myself going from one room to another,
and can’t remember what I went in there to get."
Reading comprehension is impaired. It’s easy to forget
something’s cooking on the stove. "I need to concentrate on one thing at
a time without distractions." Newbold struggles to remember number
sequences, making it "difficult to use the phone or write out addresses
without mistakes." In conversation, she may unknowingly jump from one topic
to the next in mid-sentence. "Associative discourse and nonlinear
conversations are now my forte. It is extremely difficult for those who like
concise one-word answers."
Antidepressants ease irritability and anxiety. Along with the
cognitive deficits are physical problems, including muscle spasms in her neck,
shoulder and throat, and balance problems.
"I sometimes think of the grandchildren I may or may not
be able to enjoy because of this disease," says Newbold, a patient at Johns
Hopkins Huntington’s Disease Research Center in Baltimore. "I prefer to
ignore the problems and concentrate on living one day at a time. It feels
In high school, 29-year-old Ken was an accomplished football
and baseball player, and student, who went on to spend four years in the U.S.
Army. He is now in diapers and hardly speaks. HD symptoms started at 20.
He is one of Shirley Procell’s four adult sons. Another
son, 37-year-old Gary, is the father of three teenagers. He used to be an air
conditioner mechanic. He now uses a walker, has short-term memory impairment,
and like Ken, has difficulty swallowing.
"Every day I thank God for letting me still care for
them," says Procell, who works full- time for an Internet provider in
Bossier, La. Ken and Gary reside in a nearby mobile home, cared for by a family
friend, while Shirley and her husband (not Ken and Gary’s biological father,
whom they inherited HD from) are at work.
"Our focus is them," Procell says of her sons, who
enjoy rides in her van and a homemade wagon, cookouts, movies, music, their dogs
and large jigsaw puzzles.
"We deal with it for as long as we can, for I brought
them both into this world, and they are the loves of my life. We have learned
patience, love and sharing from this disease, as well as the horrors associated
with it."
Recently, Harvard researchers were able to slow the onset of
HD in mice (that were genetically engineered to carry the HD gene) by breeding a
mutant protein into them; this mutant protein blocked the action of proteins
called "caspases." Caspases contribute to the mutation of the
huntingtin protein, and have been implicated in the production of the runaway
CAG sequence.
Human trials are currently underway, using several agents
(such as remacemide, a drug, and co-enzyme Q10, a dietary supplement) that may
play a role in counteracting HD symptoms.
Another agent of interest is creatine, the strength booster
used by many athletes. Creatine may have the potential to reduce some of HD’s
cognitive and motor impairments. "Our findings are quite encouraging,"
says Gary L. Dunbar, Ph.D., Director of the Brain Research Laboratory at Central
Michigan University, and who has headed a number of HD research projects.
"We found that creatine significantly reduced both the motor and learning
deficits in 3NP-treated rats (3NP mimics HD)."
Dr. Dunbar is optimistic. "It seems that every day, we
learn something new about HD, and this provides new ideas as to how we may
effectively treat it."
Additional areas of study that offer hope include new
developments in genetics, transplantation of neuronal tissue, reducing the
amount of the huntingtin protein and keeping it from acquiring its abnormal
shape, and blocking the brain cell death that results from HD.
A cure may not be around the corner, but Dr. Paulson says,
"The future looks very bright."
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