"Rewriting the Myths, Redefining the Realities"
Motivational Speaker Available
Todd Smith, born with Cerebral Palsy, specializes in having a positive attitude and imparting it to others. He has a BA in Speech and a Toastmaster. Todd can be reached via his website at
CPSpeaker.com or fax him at 303-430-4117.
Volunteers Wanted: Adults 21 and older with disabilities are wanted to mentor youth with disabilities ages 14-21 in an after school club in the Boulder area. Should commit 2-3 hours a week for 1 year, be active in the community, and have a good sense of self. Contact Heather Harrington or Julie Redenbaugh-Aird at the Center for People With Disabilities 303-442-8662.
New Audio Description Guide Published
Making Theatre Accessible: A Guide to Audio Description in the Performing Arts
This new publication of Cultural Access Consortium and the Bay State Council of the Blind, targeted to theaters and various performing arts organizations, is also a valuable advocacy tool for access coordinators, education and outreach personnel, and advocates for the blind community. The guidebook, available for $6.00 per copy, enables performing arts organizations to provide equal access for the blind. The guide may be ordered from Kim Charlson of the Bay State Council of the Blind, 57 Grandview Avenue, Watertown, MA 02372-1634 or call 617-926-9198 or email
New Manual on Self Employment:
Making the Road By Taking it:
Team and Individual Exercises for Self Employment Training. The manual is designed for trainers to use in teaching rehabilitation staff the principles of business development, but can also be used to guide the development of key elements in business planning, business feasibility, marketing and sales strategies., etc.
The manual is $10 per copy (shipping included). Contact: Nancy Maxson
maxson@selway.umt.edu 406-243-2458.
Access for All
A comprehensive manual for delivering one-stop services to customers with disabilities, Access for All is full of great disability-related information. It is also a great resource for community agencies who want a better understanding of WIA and the one-stop system.
Send someone a letter in Braille! Just email your letter to these folks and, for free, they will translate it to Braille and send it on to your intended recipient!
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