"Rewriting the Myths, Redefining the Realities"
Spring 2002
The Colorado Quarterly
Homer Page
Editor and Graphic Designer
Margi Ness
Executive Director, HMI
Angie Wood
Jim Light
The Colorado Quarterly is published quarterly by Handicapped Media, Inc. HMI is a private, non-profit organization.
Letters to the Editor are welcome. Published information may be edited. All correspondence must include the writer’s name, address and daytime phone.
Tax deductible donations to HMI are welcome and help keep the publication free and available to all Colorado citizens in the disability community.
The Colorado Quarterly is available in recorded format and Braille upon request.
Correspondence and advertising inquiries should be sent or emailed to:
2030 Floral Drive
Boulder, CO 80304
303-444-8721 voice and fax
Reauthorization: An Opportunity for Change
Wheelchair Field Needs More Activity
Grand Junction: A Center for Independence
Certification for the Disabled
From the Foothills: The Last Laugh
Voices: Kelly Buckland - An Articulate Leader
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The Colorado Quarterly thanks the following readers who contributed during the last quarter. Because of their generosity, the magazine can maintain its free distribution.
Sylvia L. Heckendorn
Denver, Colorado
The same ones who take paraplegics sailing and amputees horseback riding.
To participate, volunteer, or help financially, visit www.nsce.org.
Reach over 12,000 people from the disability community.
Call 303-444-8721 or email MNess98@aol.com
In response to the public’s growing concern about privacy, the
Center for Democracy and Technology recently launched
The site provides consumers with information and tools to help them control the flow and use of
their personal information.
The Colorado Quarterly, is part of Handicapped Media, Inc., a private, non-profit organization dependent on contributions. We do not charge for the publication in order to ensure that everyone, regardless of income, can receive it. Donations from readers are needed and welcome.
Checks can be made out to Handicapped Media, Inc. (HMI) and sent to:
The Colorado Quarterly
2030 Floral Drive
Boulder, CO 80304
Thank you
The Colorado Quarterly offers space to advertise jobs, availability for work, items for sale, and personals for just $5 per ad. Simply write your ad and send it with a check made out to Handicapped Media Inc. to:
2030 Floral Drive
Boulder CO 80304
Copyright 2002 A&H Publishing Corporation