"Rewriting the Myths, Redefining the Realities"
By Brent Belisle
Chair, Advocacy Committee
Statewide Independent Living Council
In times of the threat of fire and other possible disaster
situations, we wish to let individuals with disabilities know that
they can prepare in the event of an evacuation and that they can
maintain control and remain safe.
Contact your local emergency management agency and advise them you have a disability and would need assistance if there were an evacuation.
Buddy up with someone who can help you. Make a plan with them in the event of an evacuation. Stay in touch with them, even now.
Make yourself visible in the event of an evacuation. Go outside. Make certain people see you, and see that you need help.
TODAY, gather important papers and personal items you will need. This includes Medicaid/Medicare cards, Social Security information, Colorado I.D., etc.
Don’t panic if you have to evacuate! If you have questions or are uncertain as to what to do, call your local Independent Living Center.
Copyright 2002 A&H Publishing Corporation