"Rewriting the Myths, Redefining the Realities"
The National Center on Workforce and Disability/Adult has developed Information
on Demand.
Information on Demand is a resource and information service designed to assist
the efforts of the workforce development community in responding to the needs of
job seekers with disabilities. The Information on Demand service is designed to
support One-Stop Career Centers, Workforce Boards, and related entities such as
the U.S. Department of Labor and other public agencies as they develop and
expand strategies to meet the employment needs of customers with disabilities.
This is a FREE service. For more information, visit
www.onestops.info/article.php?article_id=147 or call the National Center on
Workforce and Disability/Adult at 1-888-886-9898 (toll-free voice and TTY) or by
e-mail at contact@onestops.info.
Copyright 2002 A&H Publishing Corporation