Democracy works:
Today (4/9/03) at the State Capital partisanship was set aside and
true democracy was at its finest. In the House Committee on Health
Welfare and Institutions (HEWI), Representative Witwer of the Joint
Budget Committee reluctantly presented a bill that originally would
have severely limited the private duty nursing benefit in the
Medicaid program. This was one of many painful decisions made by
this committee charged with the impossible task of balancing the
Often during the “budget season” testimony and public input are
limited due to time constraints. HEWI Chairman Representative Lori
Clapp chose to not to limit testimony, but to allow the many parents
of severely disabled and ill children testify. As these parents
shared their labor of love with the committee, politics went away.
The representatives listened, and the love the parents showed for
their children as they described the amazingly difficult work that
they do on a daily basis, took over. Parents did not come to
complain or to say that these children were burdens. Parents
repeatedly said that despite the work involved, they would never
trade their child for a so-called “normal” child. Parents were clear
that they were willing to give up some of their care, despite the
hardship this will cause, in order to help the state with the budget
crisis and preserve the benefit for others in need. The testimony of
these parents changed the whole mood of the day.
Representative Clapp offered amendments to restore some of the lost
benefits, with the support of Representative Witwer and every single
member of the committee. Members of the committee, after listening
to these awesome families, reaffirmed their commitment to use the
scarce resources to provide services to those with the greatest
need. The hearing was peppered with the noise of the machines that
keep these children alive, as well as the occasional cry (of both
child and parent). However, the eloquent way that these parents
respectfully described the needs of their children drowned out not
only the sound of the machines and crying, but the partisanship that
so often permeates these issues.
The parents that sat for hours to save their childrens lives need to
be commended for their dignity. Representative Witwer and his JBC
colleagues need to be commended for their flexibilit and, to agree
to the changes in their proposal when they learned it may do
irreparable harm. Representative Clapp deserves high praise for the
compassionate manner in which she handled this committee. Despite
time deadlines, she made sure that every person in the room had full
opportunity to speak—and offered changes that made this reduction
acceptable to those whose lives depend on the benefit. We hear so
much about the negativity that occurs at the Capital. Colorado
citizens need to know that Democracy is alive, well, and working in
Julie Reiskin
Executive Director
Julie Reiskin is Executive Director of the Colorado
Cross-Disability Coalition. See her article “Confessions of a Crip
Lobbyist” on page 11 for more information about what happened in
this legislative session.
Enjoy Without Question
I have just returned from Sedona Ilchi Meditation Center Tour based
in the desert near Sedona, Arizona. I am legally blind and it was my
first time traveling alone. I was nervous but I had wanted to take
this trip for a long time. I knew this was a place where I could
relax my mind and quiet my thinking. I noticed a difference the
minute I stepped off the plane in Phoenix. The people were friendly
and very helpful. I had no trouble getting
to the Center.
The first thing I felt was the beauty of the desert. The colors of
the soil, grass, flowers, trees, mountains and sky swirled together,
soft, and complete, not one greater than the other. True unity. The
people were the same. There were many cultures from the U.S. and
Korea, here together. Everyone was willing to help one another
freely without reservations.
The Grand Canyon, Bell Rock, Cathedral Rock, Airport Mesa and Peace
Park were just a few of the many places we visited, each one
containing their own individual yin and yang energy. There are also
many vortices in Sedona Ilchi Meditation Center. We were assisted
through guided meditation and had the chance to do our own free
meditation. I remember each one clearly but I will tell you
about the first.
We were sitting on top of Airport Mesa. I was in deep meditation and
could feel the strong energy pushing me. I was told that I would
receive a gift, but I would not know what the gift was until later.
I was then told to open my eyes and enjoy this bonus without
question. When I opened my eyes, I was able to see more clearly. I
saw each individual leaf. The colors of the earth were clear. The
landscape was beautiful. Then I thought to myself, how could this be
possible? There has got to be an explanation and, after that, my
vision became
blurry again.
My mind quickly went to the words, “enjoy without question,” and the
clarity returned. I knew this blessing was not supposed to last, so
I just enjoyed the view. In my heart I know that the gift I have not
become aware of is not about my eyes. That was a bonus, a way for me
to trust, to enjoy without question. When my true gift is known to
me, I will write and tell you. Until then, I am patiently waiting.
That was just the beginning of my experience in Sedona Ilchi
Meditation Center. I wish you the best in your own personal journey.
If you have readers who would like to experience something like
this, they can call Sedona Ilchi Meditation Center at 1800-875-2256
for information, or go to their website at
Vivian Patel
Editor’s Note: I met Vivian on a Meditation Tour in April and,
when she learned I edited The Colorado Quarterly, she offered to
share her experiences with our readers.
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