"Rewriting the Myths, Redefining the Realities"
by John Taylor - Executive Director, DDC
Imagine, formerly the Developmental
Disabilities Center, received the support of the Boulder County
Commissioners to ask the voters to approve a dedicated mil-levy tax.
The issue will be on the November 2002 ballot as County Issue 1A. If
successful, it will generate approximately $2.8 million to improve the
quantity and quality of services available for individuals with
developmental disabilities and children at risk for developmental
delays in Boulder County. The total Issue will raise $6.9 million
annually and include funds for other human service programs such as
mental health.
Imagine will put the new dollars into services with waiting lists,
such as family support, early intervention, adult supported living
services, adult employment and community participation services. There
are more than 100 families waiting for early intervention services,
more that 180 waiting for family support, and about 100 waiting for
supported living assistance. In addition, many individuals need more
intense supports than can be covered by the State funding. Imagine
“over-serves” (stretching the State dollars and using local dollars
and fund raising to serve more individuals and families than in our
State contract), and that can’t continue without additional local
support. Finally, the State budget for next year does not include any
new funds for Family Support Services or Adult Supported Living
Services, and Imagine expects only 4 or 5 new Early Intervention
resources. So, the new dollars will be used to assist with the
provision of quality vocational services, family support, children’s
therapies and early intervention, and community
A one- (1) mil increase in property taxes will cost a homeowner about
$9.15/hundred thousand dollars of the assessed value of their home.
Most folks in Boulder County live in homes valued from about
$200,000.00 to $500,000.00. The tax increase would be, then, roughly
$19.00 to $46.00 per year, less than a night out for dinner for two
and a movie!
Imagine kicked off the campaign activities this summer by speaking at
community fairs, business meetings, and civic organizations; producing
the marketing material for the campaign; and recruiting volunteers
needed for a successful campaign. Representative Todd Saliman, a
member of the Board of Directors of the DDC, is coordinating our
campaign activities, and Lisa Crompton, also a Board member, is
serving as the Chairperson of the Board’s Mil-Levy Campaign committee.
While this activity will certainly have a cost, no direct services
dollars will be used to support the campaign. Imagine will rely
completely on savings and donations.
"Imagine, Believing in the Potential of All! Innovative Resources For Cognitive and Physical Challlenges."
Copyright 2002 A&H Publishing Corporation